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The Dessert Museum

Last Saturday, my best friend and I went to The Dessert Museum located at Conrad Hotel (inside S'Maison Mall) and it was so much fun! The Museum had a total of 8 rooms (if I'm not mistaken) and I'm going to share the rooms to you one by one hahaha! :)

*note: photo thumbnails are clickable! :D*

The 1st room: Donuts

We were greeted with this big giant donut as the entrance and of course we spent a good 10 minutes taking photos just in THE ENTRANCE alone hahaha so imagine how long we took for the whole tour =))

The donuts were hanging from the ceiling and they were pretty heavy, my BFF and I were actually "attacked" and hit by the donuts while taking the photos hahaha! But don't worry, no donuts were harmed during the process =)) The colors remind me of the donut in The Simpsons haha

The 2nd room: Marshmallow

Same as the donuts, these marshmallows were hanging from the ceiling. We rushed to the nearest spot where there were no people and took the photos hahaha, to be honest it can be quite "stressful" (super good kind of stress though) when entering the room because you want to be the first to take the photo in a certain spot (HAHA competitive). Oh yeah, starting from this room onwards, we were given a dessert, so we enjoyed our HUGE fluffeeeh marshmallow. hihi.

The 3rd room: Candy Cane

This room is like a giant playground. There was a swing and a seesaw inside which we definitely rode on haha! *the kid inside me is jumping for joy*. I really like how the room was divided into 2 colors and it was aesthetic galore for me. The dessert given here were Macaroons and the flavor options were Strawberry and Blueberry, yum yum!

Inside this room there were also smaller sections which includes these cute corners:

The 4th room: Popsicle/ Ice Cream

For me this is the most simple room out of everything but it was still pretty cute, as you can see! There was an ice cream cone hot air balloon and of course there was a mini line before you're able to take a photo. Since the tour was done by batches, you won't have to wait too long for your turn. The nice thing about this place is everyone is sooo game to take photos that you can actually count on strangers to take group photos. We were asked a couple of times by strangers to take their photos and in return they offered to take ours (vice versa), everyone was just happy haha! THOUGH!! there were these 2 annoying kids that were photobombing us/others, this place is NOT FOR KIDS! HAHAHAHA okay joke, but swear they don't take Instagram photos anyway, they're still too young to care about these superficial stuff wahahahahaha =)) they kept running around and when we asked nicely if they can go away, they wouldn't... PARENTS, please contain your offsprings! *ugh* but good thing we were still able to get good photos after x times of trying hahahahahaha *stress*. The dessert given to us here were creamsicles, I got Strawberry and my bff got Avocado.

The 5th room: Bubble/Balloon room:

I am not sure what dessert they are show casing here, I think it was bubble gum? When we entered this room there was an inflatable machine with lots of balloons inside. They will let you enter the inflatable by groups and the balloons will fly around you since there's air. There was also a station where a Kuya will put you inside a big bubble hahaha it was pretty fun, though we had some soap residue popped on our creamsicles :(

The 6th room: Gummy Bears

The gummy bear room is one of the cuuutest rooms! There were 4 gigantic gummy bears ready for photo opt and the place was filled with balloons! There were also 3 bath tubs filled with plastic gummy bears and plastic balls ready for you to dive in! This place is super colorful and it really gives off a fun vibe haha. They gave us gummy bears for us to chew on while taking pics with the bears.

The 7th room: Cotton Candy

If you love pink, you will love this room! Just seeing this room in person will give you diabetes (actually the whole museum itslef) hahaha. They made cotton candy trees and bushes and it looks almost too real to eat. The dessert for this place was obviously cotton candy and it was a good prop to take photos with hihi. Good thing we bumped into to 2 girls who were also best friends that was kind enough to take our photo.

The 8th room: Cake Pops

This is the last room for the museum tour and this is the part where we had to do "extreme" poses because we can stand on the cake pops. By the end of the "shoot" I was already sweating hahaha! This was probably one of my fave just because my bff and I have our sexy pic HAHAHA but in all honesty, all the rooms were really fun and had their own quirks to it. When we reached the exit, the last dessert they gave us was a cakepop and a balloon with a chocolate cookie inside. By this time, I already ate too many sweets haha

Bonus "Room": The Store/Entrance door

Now, this is not really part of the "rooms" because it was actually the store where you can buy souvenirs. The place was decorated so cutely that we had our last hurrah and took more photos hahaha! The first and last pic were taken at the main entrance of the museum and we also have a pic showing off our dessert badge/band (sadly, you have to give it back after the tour *huhu*) We also bought matching t-shirts but I was not able to take a photo, the shirt has a quote saying "You Make Me Go Glazy" I thought it was sooo adorable that we had to buy matching shirts haha! We also spent a good amount of time making a collage with this cool machine for a photo souvenir.

The Verdict: So should you go to The Dessert Museum? Short Answer: DEFINITELY YES! Long answer: if you are a person who is a kill-joy and you hate taking pictures then don't bother coming here HAHA if you love taking instagrammable pictures and of course if you love desserts then I HIGHLYYYY recommend you come and visit!

Hope you guys enjoyed this lengthy post and browsing the pictures!


Liana :)

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